NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “A Brown Girl Dead” by Countee Cullen
Author: joanne
the shut blank door
NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “Don’t Think Governments End the World” by Molly Peacock
the weary blues have left this wild apartment
Progress: Just finished a pantoum ostensibly about peaches, inspired by a few lines from Bessie Smith’s “Mama’s Got the Blues.” I’m now only one poem behind.
Prompt for today: Dash30Dash’s Sunday Bloody Senryu.
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They will not be the same next time.
NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “Saying Goodbye to Very Young Children” by John Updike
your face is a birthday
Progress: Well, I’ve been sick. I even took yesterday off work, and I have to be really sick to do that, since – as a temp – I don’t get sick time, and (instead of writing poetry) slept and tried to keep my electrolytes up.
I had written a poem about cheese (after the G.K. Chesterton quote that’s been going around twitter: “Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.”) and a poem about my husband’s body parts, so I’m up to 16 poems written this month putting me two behind. Now that I’m feeling human again, I intend to try my hand at some more poems about food.
Prompt for today: I’m rather taken with Read Write Poem’s prompt from yesterday: missing something, or something missing. If that doesn’t work for you, you can always write about cheese.
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glossy old bunnies
NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “Carrie Leigh’s Hugh Hefner Haikus” by Lynn Crosbie
Do not kill it.
NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “ Pheasant” by Sylvia Plath
Tee-hee, tee-hee, tee-hee.
NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “Chatty Cathy Villanelle” by David Trinidad
a small light for small people
NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “The Haw Lantern” by Seamus Heaney
skilled in quick softness
NaPoWriMo Inspiration: “‘kitty’. sixteen,5’1″,white,prostitute” by e. e. cummings